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Front Line Leadership - Franklin County
Monday, September 16, 2024 to Thursday, September 19, 2024
Category: Events

Course Description
This Track II course is for those who would like to enjoy more out of
their career and their life. Students completing this course will
develop their understanding of leadership and self to improve their
work and personal relationships with others. Information and skills
developed in this course will assist in gaining a broader perspective
of the law enforcement profession, the personalities that exist in
it, functional vs dysfunctional teams, culture, history, building trust,
building credibility, building teams, and real-life modern leadership.
Topics of instruction will include Assessing Leadership, Positive
Teamwork, Police Cultures, the Challenging Employee, Integrity of
Policing, 360 Relationships, and Resilient Leadership. This course is a
“must” for all Front Line Leaders!
Target Audience
All commissioned peace officers, corrections officers, noncommissioned
personnel, FTO’s, supervisors, middle managers,
command staff, and executive staff of all ranks, tenure, and
assignment will benefit from this Front Line Leadership course. This
course is for everyone in our profession.
Career Level Certification (32 Hours)
Completion of this course counts towards elective hour
requirements for Career Level Certification and annual 24-hour
training requirements for Washington State law enforcement and
corrections personnel.