Traffic Safety Committee
The Traffic Safety Committee serves the membership in overseeing, reviewing and making recommendations on traffic safety related legislation, programs, equipment, training and activities for WASPC agencies. The committee administers Traffic Safety Grants annually for member law enforcement agencies.
The committee shall work with the Legislative Committee on any related legislative issues.
The committee works in partnership with the Washington State Patrol, Washington Traffic Safety Commission and National Highway Traffic Safety Administration in coordination of allied programs and related funding.
Traffic Safety Grant information: Grant applications are closed at this time.
11/2024 Traffic Safety Report 11/2024 Traffic Safety Agenda 5/2024 Traffic Safety Agenda 11/15/2022 Traffic Safety Committee Meeting Agenda 5/24/2022 Traffic Safety Committee Meeting Agenda 11/16/2021 Traffic Safety Committee Meeting Agenda
Hand-out from 11/16/2021 Traffic Safety Committee Meeting - Blake Memo (Prepared by Melanie Dane, Traffic Resource Safety Prosecutor for WTSC and MRSC)
Committee Charter
Committee Meeting Report - 5/26/2021
The committee did meet on Tuesday, May 25, 2021 and reported the following: The Washington State Patrol - Impaired Driving Section delivered a presentation on the Ignition Interlock Program and highlighted some concerning data related to failed compliance by individuals enrolled in the court order program, circumvention tactics, and other violations. This information was presented by Lieutenant Clark Jones and Sergeant Villanti.
- Participants were given legislative updates regarding the law changes from the 2020-21 Legislative Session.
- Washington State Traffic Safety Program Manager, Edica Esqueda provide an update on the WASPC / Traffic Safety Commission Subcommittee. Representative from Yakima PD, Kennewick PD, WSP, Mercer Island PD, Redmond PD, Auburn PD, Region 16 Target Zero Manager, DuPont PD, and a former law enforcement officer with tribal experience made up the subcommittee. These individuals divided into two teams. Team 1 was tasked with defining attributes of law enforcement agencies that are highly engaged and effective in traffic safety. Team 2 was tasked with providing examples of police led non-enforcement strategies that lead to sustainable behavior changes regarding traffic safety. The result of the subcommittee is ongoing and will be formally delivered later this year.
- Kim Goodman provide information that the WASPC Traffic Safety Equipment Grant program has approximately $25,000 available to agencies. A supplemental process will be published soon.
- Lastly, Union Gap Police Chief Greg Cobb and Garfield County Sheriff Drew Hyer have agreed to be our new Co-Chairs for the WASPC Traffic Safety Committee. Lewis County Sheriff Rob Snaza and Wenatchee Chief Steve Crown wish our new co-chairs continued success in this important committee!