Washington VINE Protective Order (WA VPO)
The Washington VINE Protective Order (WA VPO) system is a free and confidential service that allows petitioners to register for notification when a protective order of any type that has been served by law enforcement. WA VPO also provides 120 and 30 day advance notification when a protective order is about to expire. With the passage of SHB 1501 in the 2017 Legislative Session, notification on denied firearm transfers/purchases by respondents in active protection orders are also automatically generated.
Petitioners may register on-line at www.registervpo.com or call 1-877-242-4055. Operators are available 24 hours a day to help petitioners register and answer questions. Notifications are provided by phone and email in English and Spanish.
WA VPO users should not depend solely on WA VPO for their safety. WA VPO should be part of a safety plan, not the entire plan. If in immediate danger, please call 911.
WASPC offers education materials for WA VPO, including brochures and tear pads. Please click here to submit an order.
For additional information a please contact: Sydney Hansen, Data and Systems Program Coordinator [email protected] or 360.486.2402