Public Trust Committee

The Public Trust Committee shall be responsible for making recommendations to the membership regarding the implementation of best practice strategies to build public trust within Washington State. 

WASPC Principles for Community Trust document adopted January 15, 2019 (revised 11/16/2021)

Committee Charter

Public Trust Committee Agenda - 
11/16/2021 Public Trust Committee Meeting Agenda

Committee Report - 5/26/2021
Chief Steve Mylett and Sheriff Bill Elfo are Co-Chairs of this committee. The committee did meet on Tuesday, May 25, 2021. The committee is looking at developing a library of best practices and programs from around the country that members can access. Chief Mylett asked the membership if they have successful programs being used in their organizations, please share that information and it can be added to the library. The Chief commented that it’s time to get back into engagement with our communities.

Committee Chairs  
Summer Scheyer Sheriff, Skamania County Sheriff's Office
Matthew Murray Chief, Yakima Police Department