SECTOR Training & Information

SECTOR System Replacement Project (TraCS)
The Washington traffic records community has begun a project to replace the Statewide Electronic Collision & Ticket Online Records (SECTOR) system with the National Model Traffic and Criminal Software (TraCS) system. This project will implement TraCS and transition law enforcement, partner agencies, and prosecutors, impacting over 15,000 users.

For more information, visit the TraCS project website.

The Electronic Traffic Information Processing (eTRIP) initiative is a collaborative effort among state and local agencies to create an integrated system through which traffic-related information can travel. Using the Justice Information Data Exchange (JINDEX), originating agencies send and receive information from state level systems. One of the applications designed for this information sharing is the Statewide Electronic Collision & Ticket Online Records (SECTOR) program.

SECTOR automates the collision and traffic citation reporting process for law enforcement officers. The collision reports and electronic traffic citations are uploaded to a central server and routed to the appropriate agencies for processing and disposition.

The SECTOR application is a stand-alone program provided at no cost to local law enforcement agencies; however, the agencies must have the hardware and network availability to support the program. The local agency designates a system administrator to manage user accounts and download the SECTOR program.

SECTOR Training and Tutorials
WASPC is pleased to announce that the SECTOR eLearning training program has been completed. Click here for more information and to complete the SECTOR eLearning training program.

SECTOR eLearning

Equipment Information
  • Barcode Scanner Purchase Contact
    Scott Welch, Versatile Mobile Systems
    800-262-1633 x224 or [email protected]
  • Printer Purchase Contact
    Bob Stein Datec Mobile Solutions
    800-525-9905 or 206-909-5272 or [email protected]

For additional SECTOR information, contact Kim Goodman at the WASPC Office, (360) 486-2380 or [email protected].