Arrest and Jail Alternatives Law Enforcement Grant Program

The Arrest and Jail Alternatives Grant Program (RCW 36.28A.450) was established with the passage of HB 1767 in the 2019 Legislative Session. WASPC,  in consultation with the Law Enforcement Assisted Diversion (LEAD) National Support Bureau  (“NSB”), was tasked with the development and implementation of a grant program aimed at supporting local initiatives to properly identify criminal justice system-involved persons with substance use disorders and other behavioral health needs and engage those persons with therapeutic interventions and other services, the efficacy of which have been demonstrated by experience, peer-reviewed research, or which are credible promising practices, prior to or at the time of jail booking, or while in custody.

The anticipated outcomes that applicants will need to address are as follows:

  1. To reduce arrests, time spent in custody, and/or recidivism for clients served by the program
  2. To increase access to and utilization of non-emergency community behavioral health services
  3. To reduce utilization of emergency services
  4. To increase resilience, stability, and well-being for clients served; and
  5. To reduce costs for the justice system compared to processing cases as usual through the justice system

The following is a short video outlining the Washington Arrest and Jail Alternatives Program.


2021-2022 AJA Grantees:
  • Blue Mountain Heart to Heart (Walla Walla)
  • Catholic Community Services (Olympia)
  • City of Airway Heights
  • City of Poulsbo
  • Gateway to Freedom (Port Townsend) 
  • Olympic Peninsula Community Clinic (Port Angeles) 

Please note: grants awarded under this program are separate and distinct from grants awarded pursuant to RCW 36.28A.440 and SB 5380. Grant funds may not be used to fulfill minimum medical and treatment services that jails or community mental health agencies are legally required to provide.

RCW 36.28A.450(9) requires WASPC to submit annual reports on the status of the program. 

For additional information, please contact:
Steven Briggs, NCA | Programs Coordinator
WA Association of Sheriffs & Police Chiefs 
[email protected] or 360.486.2389